Jeb k’nex challenge

Junior Engineers for Britain Challenge (age 8-11)

The 2011/2012 Competition is not currently running – please revisit in January 2012.

Please check back on the website in the coming weeks – thank you.

The Junior Engineers for Britain K’NEX Challenge competition is open to primary school children aged 8-11. Pupils work in pairs to complete a design and build activity.

In addition Young Engineers will shortly be launching the Junior Engineers for Britain Making K’NEXions initiative. This activity is ideal for larger model builds in groups of about 8 to a team and is ideal for secondary schools wishing to link with their primary feeder schools.


Young Engineers is very proud to be assosciated with the partners of this competition and gratefully acknowledges their support, Without the help of our sponsors and supporters it would not be possible to run the challenge and we offer grateful thanks to Tomy, Tomorrow’s Engineers and Data Harvest and of course to our local K’NEX Deliverers.